
Through this initiative, the caucus’ social media team will take advantage of the exciting dialogic possibilities of twitter in order to promote monthly conversations among the members of our caucus and the wider SDS/Disability Studies community on various topics of shared interest/concern. These conversations will all occur under the hashtag #sdschat and while they will be initiated and moderated by a member of the Social Media Team or a volunteer host specializing in the topic of discussion, it is our hope that  such conversations will ultimately include a wide range of participants. If you would like to suggest topics for future chats or possible hosts/experts to involve in those chats, please make your suggestions in the following open google document:


And if you are new to twitter, we have put together a simple guide to help you set up an account and get started: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mUinhELHUJwNQcYYvBmBs7Q-HcUA0HZZcoHWZpcQrqc/edit?usp=sharing

And don’t forget to follow @SDS_StudentCauc!

First #sdschat:

Date & Time: Sept. 20, 5PM EST

Where: On Twitter @ the hashtag #sdschat

Hosts: @AdamPNewman89 & @_louhicky

Topic: In this inaugural #sdschat we will discuss disability issues in relation to the #ilooklikeaprofessor hashtag. We will discuss both the ableism that often prevents the recognition of our diversity of bodies and minds as “professorial” (and in relation to our other intersectional identities that can result in professional misrecognition in the academy) as well as the related issue of stereotypes around “looking like” a professor of disability studies. All are welcome to join and contribute!